5 Cm High, 2 Cm wide (amulet) - 7 Cm high and 3.5 wide in the case.
Kata Pra Sethee Navagote
Maakhayo Maawayomayhang Maa Jagoji Ubpatawo Tanyataaraani Bpawassandtu Tananchay Yassa Yathaa Karae Suwannaani Hiranyaaja Sappa Pokaa Ja Radtanaa Bpawassandtu Mae Aewangkarae Sumana Chadtilassaja Anaathabpandiga Maenadtagassa Chodtiga Sumangkalassa Ja Mandaadtu Waesandtarassa Bpawassandti Yathaa Karae Aedtaena Sajja Wachaena Sappa Sitti Pawandtumae
Chant one time, but if you are using it to make nam Montr (blessed water), then you should chant it 9 times for total effectiveness. You should tie a string around the water bowl and to the Buddha which feeds to your hands when chanting to make prayer water, so that your chanting and mental energy is transmitted along the cord. Immerse the amulet in the bowl of water to do this.
The Kata will make Choke Lap power arise (luck and fortune) - the Kata has a very sacred meaning; "Do not let my riches or belongings run out, and let all treasures, and wealth be drawn to me and my household.
He who chants and makes Bucha every day to the Pra Sethee Navagot will prosper continuously and have much joy and happiness, and great fortune and riches will flow their way.
Use the contact button to contact me about any amulets you may wish to rent, or ask questions about your amulet (send pic and ask me to check it for authentic or not) |
Use the contact button to contact me about any amulets you may wish to rent, or ask questions about your amulet (send pic and ask me to check it for authentic or not) |